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  • Java Interface
  • Need for Java interface
  • Declaring an Interface
  • Relationship between Interface & class
  • Declaring Interface Constants 

Java Interface

  • ·         The interface in Java is a mechanism to achieve abstraction that specify what a class must do without saying anything about how the class will do it.
  • ·         An interface can be defined as a container that stores the methods to be implemented in the code segment.
  • ·         An interface can have methods and variables just like the class but the methods declared in interface are by default abstract.
  • ·         The variables declared in an interface are public, static & final by default.

Need for Java interface

There are mainly three reasons to use interface.

1.       It is used to achieve abstraction.

2.      By interface, we can support the functionality of multiple inheritances.

3.      It can be used to achieve loose coupling.

Declaring an interface

·         An interface is declared by using the interface keyword.

·         It provides total abstraction, where all the methods in an interface are declared with the empty body, and all the fields are public, static and final by default.

·         A class that implements an interface must implement all the methods declared in the interface.


interface <interface_name> {
                // declare constant fields
                // declare methods that abstract by default.



interface MyInterface {

                        public void method1();

                        public void method2();



The relationship between classes and interfaces

·         A class extends another class, an interface extends another interface, but a class implements an interface.

·         Though a class and an Interface look a little similar, they are extremely different from each other.

·         Some of the primary differences between class & Interface are given below as follows.




Keyword used: interface

Keyword used: class

Interfaces do not have a constructor

Class includes a constructor

Interface stores only the signature of a method

Class stores complete method definition

Interfaces do not need Access Specifiers

In Class, Access Specifiers are mandatory

Interfaces do not include Data Members

Class includes Data Members

Interfaces do not have Static Members

Class includes Static Members


 The Rules for declaring methods and variables defined in the interface are :

  • ·          All interface methods are implicitly public and abstract. In other words, you do not need to actually type the public or abstract modifiers in the method declaration, but the method is still always public and abstract.
  • ·         All variables defined in an interface must be public, static, and final—in other words, interfaces can declare only constants, not instance variables.
  • ·         Interface methods must not be static.
  • ·          An interface can extend one or more other interfaces.
  • ·          An interface cannot extend anything but another interface.
  • ·          An interface cannot implement another interface or class.
  • ·         An interface must be declared with the keyword interface.
  • ·         Interface types can be used polymorphically. 


interface Drawable{ 

void draw(); 


class Rectangle implements Drawable{ 

public void draw(){

System.out.println("Drawing rectangle");



class Circle implements Drawable{ 

public void draw(){

System.out.println("Drawing circle");



public class TestInterface1{ 

public static void main(String args[]){ 

Drawable d=new Circle();//In real scenario, object is provided by method e.g. getDrawable() 



Compile       : javac

Run               : java TestInterface1

Output           : Drawing circle


Declaring Interface Constants

  • ·         A Java interface can contain constants. By placing the constants right in the interface, any class that implements the interface has direct access to the constants, just as if the class had inherited them.
  • ·         Generally interface constants are defined in an interface & they don't have to be declared as public, static, or final.
  • ·         Interface methods are always public and abstract.
  • ·         Any variable defined in an interface must be a public constant.


interface Foo {

int BAR = 42;

void go();


class Zap implements Foo {

public void go() {

       BAR = 27; // Since, BAR is interface constant, value cannot be modified.




  • ·         In this example code, the value of a constant cannot be changed, once the value has been assigned.
  • ·         The Interface constant is declared, when the assignment happens in the interface.
  • ·         So the implementing class can access it and use it, but as a read-only value. 




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