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Java Program to implement inheritance || Java Programming Lab Exercise 2.1



What is Inheritance ?

Ø  The process by which one class acquires the properties(data members) and functionalities(methods) of another class is called inheritance.

Ø  The aim of inheritance is to provide the reusability of code so that a class has to write only the unique features and rest of the common properties and functionalities can be extended from the another class.


            To write a java program to implement the concept of inheritance.


  1. Open text editor(notepad)
  2. Create a base class called “StudentBase”
    • Declare & define department, collegeName as private data members of string datatype.
    • Since the private data members cannot be  accessed directly, we are using public getter & setter methods  to access the private members of base class
  3. Create a derived class called “StudentDerive” that extends the base class “StudentBase”
    • Declare & define regNo, sName as default data members of string datatype.
  4.  Create main class “InheritEx” that extends “StudentDerive” class.
  5. Create an object (obj) for the class StudentDerive to access the data members & methods of “StudentBase& StudentDerive” classes.
  6. Call & display the member values of StudentBase & StudentDerive classes by using “obj” [Reference variable]
  7. Save the file as similar to the name of the main class “”
  8. Open command prompt & set the path to compile & run java file.
  9. Compile the program using javac command.
  10. Run the program using java command.
  11. Exit

class StudentBase {

   private String department = "BCA";

   private String collegeName = "BHARATHI WOMEN'S COLLEGE";

   protected String getDept() {

            return department;


   protected void setDept(String department) {

            this.department = department;


   protected String getCollegeName() {

            return collegeName;


   protected void setCollegeName(String collegeName) {

            this.collegeName = collegeName;



class StudentDerive extends StudentBase {

             String regNo = "402U09001";

             String sName="ANU";


public class InheritEx {

      public static void main(String args[]){

           StudentDerive obj=new StudentDerive();

            System.out.println("Implementation of Inheritance in JAVA");


            System.out.println("Student's Name\t:"+obj.sName);

            System.out.println("Register No\t:"+obj.regNo);

            System.out.println("College Name\t:"+obj.getCollegeName());




Compile & Run

Open Command prompt



E:\ cd II BCA Java

E:\II BCA Java>cd Lab prgs

Set path to Java

E:\II BCA Java\Lab Prgs>set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17\bin

Compile the program using javac command to create Class File

E:\II BCA Java\Lab Prgs>javac

Run the program using java command

E:\II BCA Java\Lab Prgs>java InheritEx

Implementation of Inheritance in JAVA


Student's Name     :ANU

Register No            :402U09U18001


Department           :BCA CS

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